Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Busy days

I did my last IM on what I called a shoestring training budget, meaning that I had to do my training around work.  That meant way early in the am, or way late at night.  I was sensitive not to let training interfere with work then, and still am.  We have jobs we get paid for - so during working hours, that is where our focus should be.  Some days that doesn't leave much time for else.

Yesterday was hot and sweaty.  My work day started early, so a run was out of the question.  I decided to save it for evening.  Well, even close to sunset, the temperature had not budged much. It was humid. Sauna runnign again.

I ran for 30 minutes - a good mix of flat and hills  Achilles is holding up well.

Today I got up early and joined my friend Xeno for a row.  That is - I watched him explain proper technique while I did an easy row.  Rowing is just a fabulous exercise.  It gently stretches and works you out all at the same time.

After my row, I got on my bike and rode for 30 minutes.  Always feels harder indoors.

Weight is down a pound - but weighing daily shows ups and downs - will see what the week shows, in both weight and comp.

Tomorrow will be a rest day.  I have a monster day at work, setting up for Chamber Golf where we are sponsoring a hole, calling into a management meeting at 7:30, then working at the hole all day, followed by a customer event at the Honkers game.  Whew.   There won't be time or energy for workouts. 

Time to hit the hay - long day ahead.

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